Sunday, March 31, 2013

Straight Paths

Easter morning is here and maybe I should be writing about Christ Jesus' resurrection, but on our way to church this rainy morning I noticed an impromptu stream coursing through the overgrown grass just beyond the road.  Though the ground appeared flat, the twists and turns of that got me to thinking. 

Water takes the path of least resistance.  Truth be known, I prefer to take the path of least resistance, too.  The Bible tells us that our paths will be made straight.  I believe this to be true, but I don't feel that God is going to make the path an easy one.  Unlike that little stream of water zig-zagging through the earth, He will keep our direction straight- like a compass guiding us to true north.  Sometimes we will traverse through level fields of soft grasses and gentle sunshine.  At other times, we'll be ascending mountains, getting soaked while forging through streams, or being slapped in the face by branches during a fierce storm. 

Following God is neither easy nor for the weak.  It will grow us stronger, weaken and humble us, trek us past temptations, toughen our skin, soften our hearts, and reveal to us our weaknesses.  When we are too tired to move on, we will lean not on our own understanding- but rather He will let us lean upon Him.  We will find shelter under His wings.  And when we are rested, He will urge us back along the straight path He has laid before us.